Cypress Hill MUD No. 1 customers can expect to see an increase in their water bills soon due to an increase in the fee imposed by the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (the “Regional Authority”). The fee will increase April 1, 2020 from $3.85 per 1,000 gallons of water to $4.25 per 1,000 gallons of water.
Cypress Hill MUD No. 1 is mandated by state law to participate in the Regional Authority, which was established to bring surface water to North Harris County. All municipal utility districts within its boundaries must pay the Regional Authority a fee on each 1,000 gallons of water pumped from wells or purchased from the Regional Authority. Cypress Hill MUD No. 1 passes the fee through to its customers with a 5% mark-up so it can pay the fee on water used in district operations and not billed to customers.
The fees charged by Cypress Hill MUD No. 1 for operation of its water and sewer system have not changed in more than five years; however, customers will see an increase in their bills because of the Regional Authority fee. This fee is expected to continue increasing annually because of the cost of converting to surface water. For more information on the project, see
You can control the increase in your water bill by using less water. Please go to the Water tab to get water conservation pointers.